Friday, July 13, 2012

Change; Much More Than A Penny for Your Thoughts

Change- To make or become different.

Why do so many of us have difficulty changing? 
 One reason, Fear.
It seems quite logical to say, "I've been this way," or "I've done this my whole life, of course it's nerve wrecking to think of changing it." It may make you feel as if you're losing a part of yourself. In this regards, your question to yourself should simply be, "Do I really want to keep this part of me?" But you must ask yourself when you are thinking logically, not selfishly. Selfish is never logical. We get so caught up in ourselves and our emotions that we disregard the bigger picture. Don't get me wrong, your opinions and emotions are super important, but it doesn't always mean that they're right.
Another reason, Lack of understanding of it's importance.
Change, like Love, has become a popular topic. It unfortunately seems, that the more something is talked about, the more importance it loses in the eyes of those talking about it. It becomes tainted and skewed with everyone's opinions or lack there of. The most important things in life cause controversy between people, even loved ones. Personally, I do not think it a coincidence. There's an enemy out there who wishes for nothing more than to see humankind suffer. But that's another blog for another day.

An analogy that came to mind when I thought about writing this, was change. Yes, I'm aware this whole passage is about change, but I mean change, as in the amount you receive back when you've paid more than was asked for.
It's kind of sad how we exist in a world with brilliant parallels and we live our whole lives without seeing them. There are two sides to this analogy.
Side One.
When you think of that kind of change, 
do you automatically picture a small amount of 
coins? More than likely your answer to this
question is, "yes." Mine was too. 
This may very well be why society finds change
such a hassle. They view change as having little to no value.
They just may be right, if all they ever give is barely
the amount needed to pay the price of what they want.
See where I'm going with this?

Side Two.
No one can argue that if you give
a sum of money that tremendously exceeds the amount due,
then you'll to get a whole lot of change back.
The parallel? Change is a gift.
God's Grace.
The more diligence you put into becoming a better you,
the more opportunities you will have to change
We've all done things in our past/present that we're not proud of.
But it is because of God's grace, because of change, that we don't
have to stay that way.

When you think of it that way, change doesn't seem so bad. As of 10 minutes ago, this is how I choose to view change! Why not? Better a Positive Polly (or Pat for you fellas), than a Negative Nancy (or Nate).

Making changes is necessary if you want to move forward. If you want to stay where you are, then that's a different story and thanks for taking time to read something you probably disagree with. And if you want to change, but struggle with it, don't worry, you're not alone. =] I never said change was easy, I just said it was necessary. 

Change- Deeper than becoming different, it's becoming better.
[Aaronn Ralph's definition.]

*I am highly aware that you can change for the worse. But, life is what you make it. And I refuse to let change be a negative in my life, it's as simple as that. You can join me if you like. God Bless!