Sunday, April 3, 2011

Don't Ever Lose You For Them

{These next few blogs will touch on different aspects of "relationships."}

Sure, actions speak louder than words, but actions accompanied by matching words can be a deadly combination. And I can't fathom why you would waste your time on someone if you know that they don't compare to what you've known. It sets them up to fail from the beginning.

Anybody else with me on being tired of being the "other" one? I swear I always find myself in a situation where the ex is still in the picture and still holds his heart.. and in the end, she "wins". It makes you want to question, "what's wrong with me?"

I am all for following your heart, but there just comes a time when you have to realize that losing YOUR worth isn't worth keeping someone around.

On the other hand, people stringing "us" along.. realize that in using someone to try to get over your past can scar that someone so badly that they end up doing exactly what you're doing now, using someone else to get over you.

We're not recyclable nor immortal. We must live with the results that come from the standards we live by. I don't know about you, but I'm tryna have some high standards. I'm ready to fly!

If it wasn't for all of this nonsense I would have already taken off. Why is it we let other people destroy our wings?

Are we victims or are we just self-consciously afraid of flying and we allow them to beat us so that we have an excuse not to?

Que pensez-vous?
(What do you think?)