Sunday, April 3, 2011

Don't Ever Lose You For Them

{These next few blogs will touch on different aspects of "relationships."}

Sure, actions speak louder than words, but actions accompanied by matching words can be a deadly combination. And I can't fathom why you would waste your time on someone if you know that they don't compare to what you've known. It sets them up to fail from the beginning.

Anybody else with me on being tired of being the "other" one? I swear I always find myself in a situation where the ex is still in the picture and still holds his heart.. and in the end, she "wins". It makes you want to question, "what's wrong with me?"

I am all for following your heart, but there just comes a time when you have to realize that losing YOUR worth isn't worth keeping someone around.

On the other hand, people stringing "us" along.. realize that in using someone to try to get over your past can scar that someone so badly that they end up doing exactly what you're doing now, using someone else to get over you.

We're not recyclable nor immortal. We must live with the results that come from the standards we live by. I don't know about you, but I'm tryna have some high standards. I'm ready to fly!

If it wasn't for all of this nonsense I would have already taken off. Why is it we let other people destroy our wings?

Are we victims or are we just self-consciously afraid of flying and we allow them to beat us so that we have an excuse not to?

Que pensez-vous?
(What do you think?)


  1. The unintentional set up to fail although meaning less seems selfish. You would think that if the person you were "leading on" actually meant something of worth to you, one would take their reaction to the situation into consideration insead of looking out for their own interest.
    I find the hardest thing about following your heart is being able to convey what you feel. What happens when your feelings are just that, and you can't express them because you worry so much about being hurt that you hide them or are taught by society when in a conflict with you head and heart always side with your head? when taught to follow our heart, in the role of those leading others on...what do you do when you want to leave the ex, but can't because you are caught up in something familiar that you can't explore the potential relationsihp that your heart is longing for? Sometimes I wish people could use their own wings and fly! Take a chance in life, jump out of the nest, and fly! Give that person you care about a chance, and make your self happy instead of worrying about how an ex feels.

  2. As long as we set our standards based on the standards that are upheld in the Bible (10 commandments, being unequally yoked, being sexually immoral) then the results that we have will not be results of the world, but of Christ.

  3. I totally agree with you aaron!! You just gotta be strong when you break up with an ex and not feel like that and always remember that it was worth why you broke up with that person.

  4. But what if the ex broke up with them? Does that change things?

  5. I believe if it happens to you or the other person it wouldnt make you a bad person. things happen ffor a reason you know? and that doesnt mean its your fault.

  6. I listen to Pastor Charles Stanley's radio program on the way to work every night and he said something a few days ago that I'll never forget. "Obey God and leave all the consequences to him." Sure, there may be hurt now, but maybe this is God telling you that this guy is not the one for you and God's still here for you. Just constantly pray and read His word and walk in His will.

    I've personally been through some rough patches but successfully made it through each one. I couldn't have done it without God. Over the past few years I've read the Bible and prayed daily, and although I constantly mess up, my Father forgives me and my faith has been growing exponentially. My relationship with my Heavenly Father has grown more than words can express. I have experienced a joy that few people get to experience in a lifetime. Even when times were bad and nothing was going right in life, for some unexplainable reason I had a smile on my face and truly felt God's love. It was an experience I will never forget and one that I'm constantly trying to obtain.

    What I'm trying to say is, there may be hurt from break-ups, but that doesn't matter. If you truly know/feel God's love and actively seek Him and His will, the pain from a break-up will quickly become non-existent. God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for YOU. What love can be more amazing than that?

  7. Wow. That is probably the best response anyone could give. Thank you!
