Thursday, December 2, 2010

What's Your Background Noise?

Stumbled upon a question to ask myself, which led to a possibly scary revelation. I'll try to make it short and sweet..

-Had to write a paper on the media and the ten human motivations for it and how they applied to our lives.

-Of course music was mentioned many times in mine..

-Three sections caught my eye.. I estimated that 42 hours of my week was filled with music for "entertainment"

-That same 42 hours could be used for "escape".. because, well.. music is my escape

-It then mentioned having background noises, just to fill space.. which.. I ALWAYS have music playing.

*But I thought, no I need music, its not just a background noise..

I stopped.. Am I living in a constant escape?

Yes I love Music. But as I have even written in one of my own songs "silence is golden."

I should turn the music off even just for an hour, have time with God and FACE the world with Him.. not Music.

slightly painful to say, but oh so true.


  1. It is crazy how things we don't even think about are our biggest addictions or distractions! Crazy!

  2. I know.. some of the things we cherish the most and consider to be a sort of medication, end up bein a crutch that just holds us back.. I don't like the idea of it at all!
